BA (Hons) in Music

School holidays
Louise has been teaching the violin to children and adults for over 25 years, and has experience directing string orchestras from beginner to university level. Louise is a dedicated teacher, working hard to ensure each student reaches their full potential, whilst having fun!
“You really connect with Lauren and she thinks the world of you, which is great to see for me as she has difficulty communicating with people. Thank you for bringing another dimension to her life, and new found confidence.” Parent
“When I see you teaching you always seem to bring the best out of your pupils. I really love the way you push Poppy (but just the right amount) and you seem to understand her and the way that she learns. It is amazing how you get through to her……. I think it is a true gift to be able to get a 6 year old to the level that she is at now. She was competing against children of 12 years plus – and all the things she was praised for have been the things you have been fussy about. And also when you play your violin with your pupils, you have your soul and passion in your playing, which some people have and loads don’t. I think you pass on that soul to your pupils – something very few teachers can do! So what I am trying to say is we think you are fab!!” Parent