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About us

West Sussex Music

We’ve been here for children and young people, their families, teachers and schools for more than 60 years. 

West Sussex Music provides high quality and inclusive music education and performance opportunities for all children and young people across the county.

We work with a group of partner organisations, schools, young people, and stakeholders from different sectors to develop our collective vision for accessible and inspirational music education.

In schools, we ensure schools have access to quality-assured music practitioners that can provide instrumental lessons, whole-class first access programmes, lunchtime and after school music activities, workshops, singing projects, and continuing professional development for teaching staff. We help schools to achieve the best possible outcomes for pupils, their families, and the community.

Outside school, children and young people enjoy making music with us in bands, choirs, and orchestras at every stage of their musical development. 

Our vision

Our vision is for West Sussex to be a place where every child and young person

can explore the life-changing benefits of music:

on their education, their wellbeing, and their future.

Our mission is to:

  • encourage and develop the musical potential of all children and young people, with opportunities for them to progress as musicians and as people
  • support young people and those who work with them to improve social, personal and wellbeing outcomes through music
  • work collaboratively in partnership with and for children and young people to develop and signpost, high quality, accessible and diverse musical learning opportunities for them
  • increase the music provision available for all children and young people in West Sussex.

Read about our values – the principles and ethics that guide us

Working in partnership with…

west Sussex county council
Creative County West Sussex
Chichester festive theatre
West Sussex Sings
Ensemble Reza
Rok Skool
Worthing Symphony Orchestra
Education and Bass
Beat Goes On..
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Benedetti Foundation
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