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Music education matters

A message from Jane Swindells

Welcome to our page for primary school practitioners where you can explore our range of classroom instrumental lessons, our programme of curriculum support, CPD and broad range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. You’ll also find information about how we can support you in your application to be a Music Mark school or with your Artsmark accreditation.

If you’d like to know more, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

School Music Development Plan

The New National Plan for Music Education states that schools should write ‘a Music Development Plan that captures the curricular and co-curricular offer and set outs how it will be funded.’ Click here for some guidance and tools to support you to write your School Music Development Plan


Primary and SEND Conference

We are delighted to be inviting all those working with children and young people to our Music Education Conference 2024 #EveryChildAMusician, at Chichester College.

Whatever context you teach in, each workshop will increase your own confidence teaching music and support you to build confidence in others.

This fun, practical, and informative day, with delicious food included, closes with an inspirational song, adaptable for any context and ready to take away for use with your young musicians. We look forward to seeing you there!

Music education conference

Classroom instrumental lessons (CIL)

Government funding allows every child the chance to learn a musical instrument for free!

“In Years 3 or 4, it is recommended that each class should start a whole-class instrumental programme lasting a minimum of one term.’ [Model Music Curriculum]

Our one term and one year first access programmes offer pupils a fantastic free musical opportunity and complement your curriculum

WCET image 2023

Curriculum support and CPD

Are you looking to review your school’s music curriculum? Need advice on suitable resources? Or, need to improve your ukulele skills?

We work with headteachers, music subject leaders and non-specialist class teachers to improve confidence in music delivery, to support schools with their school music development plan and to embed high quality, inclusive music.

Co-curricular & extra-curricular

Do you need a specialist to provide inspiring enrichment activities to boost access to musical engagement in your school?
We can connect you to a range of quality-assured music leaders to run one-off or ongoing music activities such as:

  • Choirs, Bands or Orchestras
  • After school music clubs
  • Whole day or half day Workshops
  • Live music performances by professional musicians

Music Mark

Become a Music Mark school and raise your profile!

We have organised free membership for interested schools to become members of Music Mark: the UK Association for Music Education.

You will have free access to ongoing training, support, and important national music education updates.


The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools and education settings, accredited by Arts Council England and we can support you in your application.

Artsmark is awarded at three levels; Silver, Gold and Platinum and recognises provision that really makes a difference to young people, embedding arts, culture and creativity in your school.

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