Here! Our Song

Here! Our Song
We’re absolutely thrilled to have celebrated the power of massed voices at the Horsham Schools Music Festival earlier this week!
Here! Our Song was a project started in 2019, with funding from Horsham District Council’s Year of Culture 2019, but sadly never launched due to the pandemic. It’s been three years in the making, so it was fantastic to finally see a theatre full of children singing together for the long-awaited premiere.
Over 300 children from Horsham schools gathered to perform all the songs from a brand-new collection called ‘Here! Our Song’. This event was particularly special in that all the songs were written by children from across the Horsham district.
Led on the night by choral leader and songwriter, Emily Barden shares: “…the ideas are theirs and the subject matter they wanted to write about is theirs, the way in which the words are crafted are theirs and the style of song that’s theirs and the melodies all came from within our sessions. Essentially the children are singing songs they’ve written so it was really brilliant to hear it all come together”
The songs reflect the area in which we live with a good mix of musical styles. It’s been wonderful to hear the children realise their own creative work in public and receive a fantastic reception from the audience.
We welcome children aged 9-12 to come and sing together as part of West Sussex Young Voices choir – Click here to find out more.