Join Brighton Festival Youth Choir at Brighton Dome

Join Brighton Festival Youth Choir to perform
Climate Change themed cantata
Dome Concert Hall, Brighton April 28th 2024
Brighton Festival Youth Choir are inviting 300+ young people aged 11 – 18 years from local secondary schools and colleges to join BFYC in an exciting opportunity to write the libretto (words) for, and perform a cantata to express their thoughts, hopes and aspirations about our changing climate. The libretto will be set to music by commissioned composers *Juliette Pochin and James Morgan creating 6 – 8 songs for the cantata.
The aim of the cantata is to let young voices reflect the major challenges currently caused by the climate crisis, that are global in scope and unprecedented in their impact on young peoples’ lives.
Nominally entitled Re-GENERATION this cantata will be performed by young people from local schools and colleges across Brighton & Hove, East and West Sussex.
Dome Concert Hall, Sunday April 28th, 3pm 2024
The performance will be framed by a multi-dimensional collage of environmental themes made by young people from recycled materials with an on-stage digital backdrop providing young people’s own narration for the cantata and links to each song.
In advance of the Dome performance all young people involved in Re-GENERATION will be given the opportunity to participate in an Environmental Education Day of Change in February 2024 at Brighton Aldridge Community Academy (BACA) with key guest speakers and activities focused on positive responses to climate change as well as the opportunity to rehearse the cantata together before the performance at the Dome.
If your school is interested in taking part
- Email Julie Emerton (secretary BFYC at asap to express your school’s interest. Please provide a contact email address(es) to receive more information. Include the names of a main contact person for the project and your head teacher/ principal.
- Attend an information meeting *Wednesday October 5th 4.30pm – 6.00pm at BACA to find out more about:
- the cantata performance details and timeline to performance on April 28th 2024
- how to submit students’ librettos and when cantata music is likely to be available
- the Environmental Education Day of Change and how the project contributes to The National Plan for Music Education’s focus on Environmental Responsibility (58 NPfME, 2022)
- how to be involved in making the multi-dimensional collage of environmental themes.
*This is a change of date from the originally planned meeting on 21/9/2022
Re-Generation is a moment in time when young people can find their collective voice and make a difference. Please join us in sharing this unique opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you.
by Wendy Forbes Chair BFYC Trustees