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Young musicians inspired by fun concert series in West Sussex schools

Two amazing music groups helped inspire West Sussex children to pick up an instrument and play following fun performances.

Kidenza and Ensemble Reza toured 8 schools between them around Bognor Regis, Burgess Hill, Chichester, Horsham, and Worthing in a special series of visits, organised by West Sussex Music.

The events showed pupils how unique and incredible each instrument family is, with the hope it will inspire them to explore learning a musical instrument in school.

Claire Lambert, CEO of Kidenza said the tour had been’ really brilliant’.
We were welcomed in every single school with smiley faces, excited and eager young children and staff! We always ask who has been to a live concert and we always see the same response – not many hands go up. It’s such a privilege to be able to provide this experience to so many young people for the first time. The atmosphere in every concert has been on fire and it’s been so brilliant to see them all having fun and being happy – great for mental health and wellbeing as well as inspiring them and showing them that orchestral music can be fun and exciting.

The events were aimed at primary / secondary transition – years 5,6 & 7 – and allowed some of the primary pupils to experience music in the secondary schools they will be moving into in the future.

Claire added: “Secondary schools often have a bigger choice of instrument lessons with more ensembles so it was the perfect opportunity for pupils to see what will be on offer and start their thought processes about what they might be able to access when starting secondary school. I’m sure it would have added to the excitement of moving to a big school where ‘cool’ things happen!

Ensemble Reza visited four Burgess Hill schools in one day.

Hannah Carter said: “Socially music is important – one 11-year-old student said recently after one of our concerts that ‘music connects people’ and they are absolutely right.

Regardless of age, background, ethnicity music brings people together and can be a common language.

From a wellbeing perspective music is also important – in workshops we have seen young people overcome feelings of anxiety to take part and perform in front of their peers.  Whilst not an immediate cure, it was the first step to building self-esteem.  Other students have said music making workshops leave them feeling uplifted, proud, relaxed, and happy!”

Hannah added: “We need to be creating audiences for the future and promoting live music making – taking live music into schools we know has inspired people to attend our concerts, join our community orchestra and get more involved!”

Claire at Kidenza agrees: “Exposure to live, educational music is vital if we are to inspire tomorrow’s musicians and audiences. We all have a duty to make sure that EVERY child has access to listening and/or playing music. It’s not just for those whose parents can afford it.

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