We are delighted to let you know that as a Partner of West Sussex Music Education Hub, we’ve developed a logo for you to use on your website and promotional materials. We expect that partners will use this logo to demonstrate their commitment to the Hub’s vision and values.
This logo may be used by schools to show they are a Partner of the Music Education Hub.
This logo can be an identifier on websites, letter footers, email signatures and other promotional material.
This logo may be used by Hub partners alongside their own organisation’s graphics for the publicity of their activities, projects etc on posters and digital materials when working in partnership with West Sussex Music.
You will find everything you need to know about how to use these assets in our branding guidelines.
Delivery partners:
If you are commissioned by the Hub to deliver services, you will also be expected to:
- add the phrase: “Working in partnership with West Sussex Music” next to the partner logo
- add the Arts Council England funding logo