West Sussex Music – COVID-19 Update

Now that England has entered the second national lockdown, I wanted to outline West Sussex Music’s approach to continuing our current provision. As a Music Education Hub we will continue to deliver instrumental and vocal lessons in schools and online, to lead whole-class first access projects in schools and host our Virtual Music Centre rehearsals. Should there be further guidance updates from the Department for Education we will notify you of any changes.
We have reviewed our Covid-19 risk assessments for teaching in schools, in light of the latest Government restrictions. We have determined that they remain fit for purpose and we are communicating with our teachers to remind them of the importance of complying with all local and national control measures. Our Covid-19 risk assessments can be viewed here.
We know that schools are making every effort to host music lessons safely and I thank headteachers for everything they are doing to keep music alive in their school. Feedback from our teachers is overwhelming: “And then the children arrived … what a joy to be in the room with them. I had two lovely sessions with Year 2 and then Year 1 and I genuinely feel as though something inside me has been relit. Love my job.” WSM teacher
Should in-school lessons not be possible we encourage parents/carers to blend your child’s lessons with online tuition until face to face can resume.
Our Virtual Music Centre ensembles continue to meet online and preparations are well underway for their online performances at the end of term. If you know of a young musician wanting to perform with others please get in touch. We are welcoming new members all the time.
The Covid-19 restrictions are having a seriously detrimental effect on the musical lives of schools, children and the livelihoods of our teachers. Thank you for your continued support. During this extended period of uncertainty and restriction, it’s more important than ever to Change Lives Through Music!
James Underwood
Chief Executive
West Sussex Music