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KS2 Big Sing

NEW for spring and summer terms 2023.
An opportunity for your locality of schools to apply for up to £250 to support the delivery of a Key Stage 2 locality Big Sing.

Deadline for proposals is Friday 28 April 2023.

What is a Big Sing?
A Big Sing involves Key Stage 2 schools coming together for a morning or afternoon working with a leader of massed singing events.
Usually, each school agrees a year group/s to attend.
Big Sings usually take place at one of the locality schools but could also occur at a public venue.
A Big Sing usually culminates in a massed performance to an audience or to each other. The event could be filmed for streaming or for sharing on your digital platforms. Celebrate in your own style!

How do I apply?
Step 1: 
Agree with your other locality schools how you might organise a massed Big Sing
Step 2: Refer to the fields in the form below to assist your planning
Step 3: Book your massed singing leader for the event. You may like to take a look at our Hub Directory
Step 4:
Submit your form by Friday 28 April (we’ll respond to these on an ongoing basis)
Step 5: Wait for confirmation from West Sussex Music

Need more information?
Please do not hesitate to contact us via

Top tips for your Big Sing to have the greatest impact:

✔️  Book a singing leader with experience of massed choral events
✔️  Decide as a locality which year group/s your want to involve
✔️  Secure a venue that will comfortably hold both participants and potential audience
✔️  Choose songs that can be learned on the day if preparation time is limited
✔️  Consider who will lead individual schools’ songs – this can be a valuable CPD opportunity for class teachers
✔️  Themed events help provide cohesion
✔️  Consider transport to and from the school/venue
✔️  Consider audience (if any)
✔️  Consider ticketing (if required) and allocation of tickets per child

Apply here
Big Sing

What people are saying

We had a wonderful time –  the children and us adults all loved it! Thank you for making this opportunity possible for the children and please pass on our thanks to everyone involved


Class Teacher, Portfield Primary Academy

Thank you so much for running such a brilliant event! The children had such a brilliant time and haven’t stopped raving about it.


Music Lead, North Mundham Primary School

There was so much joy in singing together and the kids’ faces were priceless. They were all full of excitement and joy to share what we did once we got back to school and the enthusiasm is infectious! I learnt so much too and today, for the first time ever, we sang in harmony during our school singing assembly! 

Music Lead, Kingsham Primary School
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