Photo & video consent for schools
Effective from: 1 January 2025
Review date: August 2025
West Sussex Music will photograph, video or record our events, workshops and programmes for publicity and evaluation purposes.
To ensure best practice in safeguarding and to comply with GDPR regulations, we ask schools to either share the following information with parents/carers, or to agree to these on behalf of the school (depending on permissions already held).
West Sussex Music may choose to photograph, video, or record this event and use children’s images to raise the profile of our work and advocate for the importance of music education, to encourage other children to join a West Sussex Music activity, to encourage teachers, families, volunteers, and donors to support us.
How images may be used
We use images in the following ways:
- On West Sussex Music’s social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube account
- On the West Sussex Music website
- On West Sussex Music printed and digital promotional materials, such as our annual review and promotional flyers
- In local and national press releases and in printed publications to promote and celebrate our work
- In printed fundraising materials to help us raise money for this charity, where they can be seen by potential donors and grant-giving trusts and foundations
How images are stored
Images are stored in the following ways:
- We may store and use a child’s image for a period of up to five years, after which we will either ask you to renew your consent or we will destroy the images
- We will store photographs and videos of children securely, in accordance with our Safeguarding Children and Young People policy and Data Protection Policy
- We will keep hard copies of images locked securely and electronic images in a protected folder with restricted access
West Sussex Music has full copyright of the images taken.
Your rights
Under data protection regulations you have the right to withdraw your permission for us to use video/audio featuring your pupils at any time. Please be aware however that it is not practically possible to remove a segment of audio/video or printed material once it has been produced and distributed. For this reason, please consider carefully whether you are happy to give this permission before you give consent.
Schools are responsible for ensuring West Sussex Music staff are aware of any children for whom you do not hold media consent. Where possible your staff should identify those children by sight and agree with West Sussex Music staff how children, who cannot be photographed, will be identified (e.g. sticker, lanyard).