WANTED: Tomorrow’s Orchestral Musicians

Back by popular demand, West Sussex Music is thrilled to announce the return in January of its incredibly successful initiative for beginner instrumentalists.
Tomorrow’s Orchestra Programme (TOP24) combines free instrumental lessons and free instrument loan with weekly orchestral sessions and applications for are now open.
It has been created as a fast-track route from absolute beginner to confident musician within a few short months. TOP24 will also introduce children to the thrill of playing in an orchestra.
TOP24 lasts for three terms, starting in January, with sessions taking place at our Bognor Regis, Chichester, Horsham, and Worthing music centres. The first term is completely free, with the following two terms costing £70 each term.
If your child or the child you care for loves music and is aged between seven and 11 years old, TOP24 is an amazing opportunity to nurture that curiosity and help them develop skills which will last a lifetime.
James Underwood, Chief Executive of West Sussex Music said:
“We began TOPs last year and were blown away by the enthusiasm and dedication shown by the students who took the opportunity and ensured they got everything they could out of it.”
“This is an incredible chance for children to learn instruments that they may not have access to at school, as well as be invited to perform in an orchestra, an opportunity that many don’t get.”
TOP24 combines a weekly instrumental lesson and orchestral session and has been created to give a fast-track route to children who are keen to make music with others.
Places are limited so book now to avoid disappointment by going here.