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Orchestras Inc. interview

We’re so proud of our accessible music group Orchestras Inc. and are thrilled it’s back, so we sat down with Assistant Head and Inclusion Lead at West Sussex Music, Alison Sutton, to find out more about the SEND friendly orchestra. 

Interviewer: Alison, thanks for joining us! Let’s talk about Orchestras Inc. Can you explain what it’s all about? 

Alison Sutton Assistant Head and Inclusion Lead at West Sussex Music

Alison: Of course. Orchestras Inc. is a music group for children and young people under 25 with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). It’s a fun, welcoming space where young people can play music, be creative, and connect with others. Parents and carers join in too, so it’s a great experience for everyone.

Interviewer: That sounds wonderful! Who can join, and how does it work? 

Alison: Orchestras Inc. is open to all young people with additional needs. This includes those at special schools, mainstream schools, colleges, or also those who are home-schooled. We meet on Saturdays during term time at Horsham Music Centre, which is based at Millais School in Horsham. Sessions are from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, and anyone is welcome to join us with a parent or carer. 

Interviewer: It sounds like a great opportunity. What’s happening this term? 

Alison: We have two more sessions this half-term: the next ones are on Saturday 1 February and 8 February. Last term was a huge success. One of the highlights was when we teamed up with the West Sussex Youth Orchestra for a joint session. It was amazing, and we hope to do more collaborations like that in the future. 

Interviewer: That sounds exciting! What do you hope these sessions will do for the young people who attend? 

Alison: Many SEND young people don’t get a lot of opportunities to make music with others, so Orchestras Inc. gives them that chance. It’s about more than just music, it’s about building friendships, gaining confidence, and having fun. Last term, it was so lovely to see how much the young musicians and their carers enjoyed themselves. 

Interviewer: Is there a cost involved? 

Alison: No, all the sessions are completely free! If someone is interested, they just need to fill out a form on our website. Participants can come to as many sessions as they like. There’s also a video on the website that shows what it’s like at the music centre, so new members know what to expect when they arrive. 

Interviewer: That’s really helpful. For anyone who’s unsure about joining, what would you say to them? 

Alison: I’d say, get in touch. I can be reached on 01403 286330 or at and would be delighted to answer any questions you may have. Orchestras Inc. is a place where your child can explore music, meet others, and have a great time. Everyone is friendly and supportive, and it’s so rewarding to see the young musicians having fun and feeling proud of what they achieve. 

Interviewer: Thank you, Alison, for sharing this. It sounds like an amazing experience for SEND young people and their families. Best of luck with this term. 

Alison: Thank you so much. We’re really excited to welcome new faces and create more amazing memories with Orchestras Inc. 

For more information and to register, go here  


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